Thursday 3 August 2023

Preparations to travel


Over the last few days, as our departure day is getting closer, I've been reflecting on the differences between booking this holiday compared to doing a similar task when we travelled around Southern Europe 11 years ago

Mobile Apps

I was already a frequent computer user back in 2012, so all my bookings then were stored as pdfs on my PC. Back then though, most of the pdfs had to be printed on paper to be able to be used on site. Since then Mobile Apps have become the dominant booking and ticketing mode. They form a hugely more significant part of the process than they did in 2012.

This screenshot from the travel apps on my phone shows only one of the pages of apps which relate to this year's bookings.  

Trainline has my tickets from Taffs Well to London (and back), Eurostar from London to Brussels (and Paris to London), Deutsche Bahn has tickets for all my German train travel - then IHG (International Hotel Group) and which between then have all bar two of my hotels. Then there is Omio for the two cross-border bus journeys and Eckero Line and Viking Line for our ferry tickets following this there are another range of apps for local metro and bus tickets, many of whom will be purchased in advance of arrival - on the above screen these include Berlin, Vilnius, Riga, Helsinki, Stockholm and Hamburg, there are more on the second screen! I hope they all work as easily as they were to set up - we shall see (and report on the blog).

Drew also sub-contracted the job of downloading and sorting the passwords on the apps he needs to use train tickets etc.

Imminent preparations

It is also good to have cleared most of my emails ready to travel (not an easy task, but I've been a strong believer in efficient email filing for many years now). 

A quick look at my mailbox, in the photo above, shows the current emails are all about being ready for the holiday.
Moving from bottom to top:
  1. Matsudai Ramen confirming our booking for dinner this evening - we try not to cook the night before we go, so we don't have dishes/rubbish to sort early tomorrow morning.
  2. Holiday Inn Express confirming our accommodation for tomorrow evening in the Holiday Inn Express Brussels - Grand-Place
  3. Eurostar - notifying us that the seating plan on our train (tomorrow afternoon) has changed - oh look, the new coach and seat number has appeared on the app and in my Google Wallet, so no need to reprint the boarding ticket, as we would have had to in the past.
It all makes it feel very real, ready for tomorrow's trip.


  1. We do the same thing, Haydn. Although I have the apps as they are useful anyway, we get pdfs of each ticket in one folder on each phone as well. But just in case, I have paper copies of all of them in my bag. This overkill probably comes from years of being in teaching: you need a Plan A, Plan B and Plan C.

    1. Hi Robin,

      I wasn't going to confess to plans B and C, but you have outed me, I've done the same.

      I use Dropbox on my laptop, PC and my mobile. I also share the folder to Drew's mobile - so all the tickets, hotel bookings and plans for the days in the cities are in there as well as on the apps - though I expect to use the apps in practice, but we shall see!

      In addition, Drew has a physical folder with all the printed copies - just in case!! So we should be fine.

  2. Have a great time. Looking forward to reading about your adventures and meals.

    1. Hi Steve, great to have you with us again. There will be plenty of lovely meals along the way to fulfil your expectation 😉

  3. When I flew end last year I was told to have a paper copy for America but no one was interested…..they were all more interested in my sequinned Rudolph Red nosed reindeer top!

  4. Not anonymous forgot that bit…out of practise!😉

    1. Hi Linda,

      I know I asked people to say who they were if they used anonymous, but I'd worked out exactly who that message was from when you mentioned the Rudolph top 😃

  5. It might not surprise you to know I'm not quite this organised, often trawling through my inbox for various reservations during a trip! All works in the end though. The app thing though, I think I will take that as a bit of learning actually, particularly thinking about all the local travel stuff, you know why!!

    1. I suspect this is a San Francisco reference 😂

      Yes, using the local app was amazing in Copenhagen last autumn - so easy. I'm expecting the same from Berlin when we arrive this afternoon. The app links to the Google Pay on my phone, so I don't even have to enter any credit card details to arrange for the payment!
